
My first purchase consisted of five holos; Peony Pincher, Latitude Adjustment, Quick and Flirty, Stop and Smell the Rosé, and my personal favorite(so far), Fir Sure. They are all so beautiful with the perfect, smooth formula that's opaque in two coats. I highly recommend this brand for their linear holos, at least. Even if I can't speak for any other finish, I still found utter beauty in these holos. I'd highly recommend this brand to anyone.
My Sister and I first found KB Shimmer product at a local shop in our small hometown that made their own bath and shower bombs. I was ecstatic to find a nail polish that was less hurtful AND MORE AFFORDABLE than half of the polishes I was purchasing. KB Shimmer made it SO easy to do holiday shopping this year, I was able to gift my sister (basically) a full manicure set with 3 additional colors without breaking the bank!
Tonya S
KBshimmer is my all time favorite brand of nail polish. I have the most polish bottles with them. They have never let me down in quality of their product or the customer related issues that may have arose. They go out of their way to make the customer happy. That in itself is why I will always purchase from them. You can't go wrong with this nail polish business. I am so happy to be a customer of theirs.
Regina French
Although I had tried out KBShimmer polish last year, I tend go in cycles with the manicure routine every year - it just depends on when my nails decide to grow out to the same length, stop breaking off and I quit using them like tools around the house.

So, I've the hit the nail growth/same length phase and decided to see what KB had to offer for this year. My first order (note "first") was for "Solar Flair" and what can I say but, OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I just "slapped" some on to see what the color was like and to test out the magnetic property. I was absolutely flabbergasted by the radiance of the polish. That's all that it took for the ordering frenzy to start for all the products that I needed. In addition to getting more KB colors, base coat and hardener, I purchased some of my favorite halogen top coats in gold and silver. I think I need an intervention!!!!! Send help!!!!

The quality of KBShimmer polish is exceptional, wearable and does not chip off easily. I type all day long and I can quickly discount polishes that will not hold up for me. The halogen top coat in gold really makes it pop.

As I look at my beee-u-tiful Solar Flair nails, I'm thinking, "Who needs a date????" I'm going to admire my nails, spend Saturday night with my dog watching "Avengers: Infinity Wars!" Keep up the good work...this is an excellent product and I'm telling everyone that I know about it!!

I wish that I could upload a picture for you to see.
My first bottle of KB Shimmer was Sand in My Stocking.

That little glitter bomb captured my heart and I've been coming back for more ever since. I've completely fallen for the crelly-based polishes and nobody..NOBODY makes a linear holographic polish that applies as smoothly and wears as beautifully as KB Shimmer. Even the crèmes have that smooth, just-right formula that delivers a beautiful manicure every time.

Great customer service, fast shipping, and amazing formulas guarantee that I'll be a KB Shimmer fan for a very long time.

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